The Gloves Project (2012)
A pair of gloves for musician Imogen Heap.
Team: Imogen, Kelly, Tom, Seb, Rachel, Adam, Hannah
>> MiMu website
>> Dev Blog
>> Kickstarter page
>> Imogen’s Glove Page
>> Making-of x-IMU Gloves
>> Twitter
>> YouTube Videos
>> Flickr Photos
>> Seb’s Glove GitHub
The x-IMU Gloves
This first pair of customized gloves uses custom made version of the x-IMU. Each glove has one x-IMU, 8 bend sensors, an RGB LED and vibration motor.
The DIY ArduIMU Gloves
An Open Hardware pair of datagloves that capture movement and gestures of the hand using the ArduIMU and bend sensors. The gloves can be connected with an FTDI cable or wirelessly using a Bluetooth module. The gloves also include an RGB LED light and a vibration motor for visual and haptic feedback.
These gloves are made from off-the-shelf parts and documented in these step-by-step instructions.
E-Textile Gloves
This is a version of The Gloves that uses conductive and piezoresistive fabrics to capture movement and gestures of the hand in an attempt to build a fully fabric data glove.
MiMu Gloves
Three pairs of this version of the glove were produced in preparation for Imogen’s NIME performance.
Collaborator Gloves
This version of the MiMu data gloves for composing and performing electronic music are in production for a small group of collaborators who continued to support us after our Kickstarter campaign.